Yogi of the Month
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Teacher of November 2007 - Ada Lin

“Yoga” a few years ago “jumped” into my life without warning. My curiosity arose from seeing Yoga in magazines and on street signboards.  I never imagined my life could change, or that Yoga could bring so much happiness and bliss. 


Restraining the fluctuations of the mind is yoga.

 This sentence in yoga sutra speaks to me.

Everyday after waking up, whatever you think, see, or worry about comes from your reaction to things outside of you.  Does your mind have any rest besides sleep?  Everyday from morning to evening we keep ourselves busy.  When was the last time you really stopped and asked yourself what you really need?  Expectations from parents, competition with our peers, and the pressures from work make one struggle like a turtle with a heavy shell.

 Before encountering yoga, many doubts occupied my mind.  I am optimistic by nature, so I kept looking for ways to really let go of my stress.  Several years ago, I witnessed the changes in Vicky as her yoga practice progressed.  I took her advice and started my own yoga practice. I danced as a child, so at first I didn’t not feel much while doing the asanas.  I simply looked at asana as a means to keep my body healthy.  However, with more and more practice, focused meditation, and asana, I slowly get to know the truth about yoga and its magic powers.  It slowly transformed my life and permeated my thoughts.  I have gradually come to know what kind of lifestyle is healthy and what makes me feel whole. I have the tools to cope with life’s pressures.  Maybe it is not the best way, but it is a method that makes me happy.  Though the body gets stronger with asana practice, ones mental health is even more important.  In yoga, I found a way to make my mind happy and healthy.  This connection between body, mind, and soul makes me love and treasure myself even more.

 On this yoga journey a lot of teachers have inspired me.  I still remember the first time I asked Chris why we teach yoga.  She told me she hopes to help people and this inspired me to help my students.  I learned patience, passion, and love from Kent and Naichin.  I have received a lot of inspiration from my self-practice and workshops.  This inspiration has become the energy for my teaching and I pass it on to my students.  Everyone gets to know yoga in a different way.  I hope everyone can find their own way to practice yoga to get the most out of the experience.  I will share the passion for Yoga that I came to know through Kent and Naichin with you. You are invited to enjoy it!


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