(1) If the reservation system shows that the class is fully booked, members can register as waitlisted (up to 5 minutes before the class starts). When spots become available, waitlisted members will be notified according to the following rules via Email/APP (notification time is from 08:00 to 23:00 daily):
- More than 3 hours before the class: Successful waitlist notification will be sent. Those unable to attend should cancel through the reservation system at least 3 hours before the class; otherwise, it will be considered a Late Cancel.
-Within 3 hours before the class starts (excluding 3 hours): Reserved spot notification will be sent. Members should check-in at least 5 minutes before the class starts.
(2)Members who were not successfully waitlisted can visit the venue 5 minutes before the class starts, and should be appropriately dressed in sportswear. Please wait at the counter for your turn. If your name is called three times and you're not present, the next person on the waitlist will be chosen.
(3) If the number of sessions you can book has reached its limit, the reservation system will automatically remove your waitlisted spot.