A Tailored SPACE Experience for You
Incorporate scientific courses and embark on your unique journey of mind and body.
SPACE combines diverse exercise modalities, ranging from the tranquility of yoga to medium to high-intensity training and rhythmic aerobic workouts, to create a comprehensive practice experience for you.
With professional instructors, we bring you joy and health for your body, mind, and soul.
In this energetic and social environment, discover your unique practice frequency and rhythmic pace, opening the door to a richer life.
Space 多元瑜珈課程
Space Strength & Mobility 伸展課程
Space Xtend Barre 課程
Space Dance Party 課程
Space 五感音樂 Cycle 課程
Space Cardio&Toning 課程
Space Hiit 高強度間歇訓練課程


Overall toughness/flexible balance/strength flow
Active Stretch
Banded Mobility
Optimal Movement
Active Stretch
Active Stretch
ACTIVE STRETCH integrates mindful movement, clinical technique. Whether you are a dancer, yogi, cyclist, barre enthusiast, or spend your day in the office, ACTIVE STRETCH is a fun, dynamic workout that builds strength, body-awareness, and flexibility. Easy to do and scientifically proven, join ACTIVE STRETCH to erase pain and level-up your fitness.
Explore your unique journey

Explore new dimensions of activity and immediately book your unique experience !